Accelerate Your Business with React Native App Development Services: Unlocking the Advantages

Accelerate Your Business with React Native App Development Services: Unlocking the Advantages

Quick Summary:  React Native is one of the most popular cross-platform mobile application development frameworks. It was developed by Facebook as a Web and mobile application development framework for its main mobile operating system—the React Native framework has been an open-source project since 2015. React Native uses native platform components.

What Is React Native?

React Native—a well-known open-source mobile application development framework created by Facebook—is a powerful tool for creating cross-platform mobile applications. If you want to build an app using this framework, you’ll need a cross-platform development environment, as well as a React Native learning kit to optimize your workflow and ensure that your project is a success. 

React Native is an open-source library that introduces the concept of “learn once, write anywhere” to mobile app development. Using the JavaScript-like language called JSX to embed components, React Native allows app developers to develop their apps in a single language and then cross-compile them into native apps on each platform – including Android and iOS. With this capability, React Native is one of the most popular app development frameworks in the industry. According to the Stack Overflow Survey 2021[2], 58.08% of developers preferred working on React Native in the past year and would continue to do so in the future.

Why Choose React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework that helps in the building of native mobile apps. It was developed by BrightSignal and it supports cross-platform development using JavaScript. It has been developed as a framework for building native applications for the iOS operating system and also android. React Native is really helpful if you want to develop your own Android app or iOS app without investing a lot of time learning complex technologies like Java or Objective C. Its main purpose is to make developers’ lives easier by eliminating the boundaries between them and mobile app development. 

React.js library which deals with the presentation layer, supports the hottest JS libraries, including JSX which helps connect HTML code and native components to form new user interfaces.

How does React Native Work?

UI Thread – The UI thread is the main application thread. Regardless of whether the client is single-threaded or multithreaded, this thread still has access to the UI of your application.

Shadow Thread – The BackgroundThread class is a React component, that represents the application’s background thread. It’s used to calculate the layout of the main page.

JavaScript Thread – The execution thread is the thread that contains the React JavaScript code. It’s also known as the main thread. When React is used, it becomes possible to have data updates occur and UI components be re-rendered in response to events without blocking the JavaScript thread.

React Native | Mobile App Development

Benefits of Using React Native for Mobile App Development

React Native allows developers to build iOS or Android applications using only JavaScript without having to learn more than one development language. Let’s take a look at why businesses should consider React Native.

Code Reusability: One of the biggest advantages of using a cross-platform JavaScript framework like React Native is that developers don’t need to create separate codes for different platforms (Android and iOS). Their code can be reused between platforms, which helps increase development speed considerably while reducing costs. As a result, you get faster time-to-market and require lesser maintenance efforts.

Native Look and Feel: React Native is a framework that allows you to build apps for iOS, Android, and the Web using platforms like JavaScript and React. With the React Native framework, you can code an application using Javascript and React for a single code base that works across multiple devices. The interface created is more native and requires less effort to support multiple platforms.

Live Reload: A live reload feature that reloads only the code changed is often referred to as hot reloading. Hot reloading in React Native allows you to see and work with changes in real time. Any number of changes can be made without having to rebuild the app. With these changes – whether you are making fixes to code or changing styles, fonts, and images – the app will restart and you will be able to see the changes in real time through a connected device.

UI Focused: React Native is an open-source library of user interface components written in Javascript that render native UI components to iOS, Android, and Windows apps. React Native uses JSON-like objects called JSX to describe the layout of the visual interface in JS modules called components. Components are reusable modular pieces of code that allow for seamless integration with your application’s business logic.

Cost-Efficiency: React Native is a framework built to enable developers to build applications for both iOS and Android platforms using the same codebase. Instead of writing a different application to meet the requirements of both iOS and Android platforms, it allows for saving up to 40% in development costs. React Native takes benefit of cross-platform technologies that allows feature like Text, Images, and layout of the screen to be common for both applications and thus the same code is used at multiple places.

Large Community Support: React Native has a number of third-party plugins available on GitHub for different functionalities. Some of these third-party plugins include scrollable windows, action sheets, tab bars,s, etc. One such plugin known as Third Party JS Plugin hasn’t been updated since 2014, which is why if you’re using this add-on, it would be a great idea to switch to other popular React Native plugins.

Embedded application builder: Flutter App Development is a very flexible solution for app developers. It comes with some pre-built UI widgets which are customizable enough to become pretty much any widget the developer wants to create. This means Flutter has a bigger potential to be used in creating and presenting creative solutions. Also, an application builder is a suitable choice for applications that haven’t been created before. It makes it possible to realize ideas that don’t follow the industry patterns.

Apps Built With React Native

React Native is a popular JavaScript framework for building mobile applications. It allows developers to write code in JavaScript and create native mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms. Here are some well-known apps that have been built using React Native:






SoundCloud Pulse



Uber Eats



React Native is an open-source mobile app development framework developed by Facebook. It is considered a modern framework for mobile apps, keeping in mind the constraints of the performance placed on mobile apps by Apple’s and Google’s app stores. React Native has attracted developers and businesses with its unique combination of cost-efficiency and performance. It facilitates the production of cross-platform mobile apps using one set of development tools and one codebase shared across multiple platforms allowing for greater speed, ease, and agility in development. Additionally, it offers thousands of community add-ons that can be used to extend the functionality of your app to deliver a customized experience. Development teams, no matter how experienced they are, can run into issues in the development process of your mobile app. And if you’re running an app with deadlines that you should adhere to, that’s a recipe for disaster. You need all the help and support available so that you don’t deviate from your goals. Braininventory is a leading React native app development company in India that always assists every developer looking to take their project further. Our team of mobile app developers has been working hard since its foundation to achieve a wide range of open-source and enterprise-level projects.

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